Virtual Reality Full detail

All about  Virtual Reality:

 What is the concept of virtual reality? It is made up of two words, one is virtual and one is real, which means almost or close to reality, meaning to have an almost real experience with the help of technology. In this, technology works in two ways. So, the software in which the virtual world is created and other hardware like goggles, headphones and special gloves, with their help, a person can see and interact with the virtual world. In simple words, an imaginary world is created using computer technology. Virtual reality is called virtual reality. Virtual reality is a computer generated imaginary thing through which a person can connect with a 3 dimensional environment using an electronic device.

Mostly virtual reality is used in games but now 3D technology has developed so much that it can be used in movies and other Things can also be enjoyed. In this imaginary world, man experiences real feelings. In CR, it feels like all the events happening are happening in front of us and not inside a screen. So let's go through its history. Let us know a little about Bihar. The history of Bihar is very big. With the help of technology,

 3D graphics were invented in 1950. In 1957, Modern Healing invented Sensor Ram with the help of which 3D movies could be watched but there were many shortcomings in Sensurama. At the time the head mounted display was invented, it is a device that is worn on the head like a helmet. It has a display in front of it which is right in front of both the eyes. The term virtual reality was first used around 1980 by American writer Jaran. 10 years later, Linear did it. The device started being used in US Army training and NASA work. Later, mass production of Var started. Initially, CR Handset devices worked only on PC, later for mobile.

 As handset devices started being manufactured, now virtual reality has entered the second generation, so let us now know where devices related to virtual reality are used. Initially, virtual reality devices were used only for gaming, but like- As new inventions were being made, many new technologies were also added to virtual reality. 3D means through 3 dimensional movies, the use of 3D movies is very big. In this, by wearing special 3D glasses, you can present a full on-spot present in the movie through these 3D movies. The light and sound effects of 3D engage our senses in such a way that everything happening in the movie is happening right in front of us. Going beyond standard 3D glasses, virtual handsets Through this you can further explore this world. You can play tennis or any other game with the help of a crowbar while sitting in your living room. If we are talking about games then how can shooting games be left behind? Today there are many shooting games.

For which Var technology is used, Pub is one such game for which many people use this device and enjoy the game through virtual gaming. Apart from this, Var technology is also used in many other places. For example, those who want to get a driving licence can take the experience of road driving with its help. In this, you read the steering wheel, brake and accelerator and feel as if you are driving on a real road. 

This means that Big institutions teach driving to students so that they can learn to avoid real accidents and it is used in many other places like training astronauts for space travel, training fighter pilots for medical students and practising surgery. Many types of training are given by taking virtual risks in virtual reality so that real risk can be avoided and preparation for real risk can also be done without any danger. As the technology will develop further, in the same way Var will also develop, so let us now know how many types of Var are there. As we said that Var is a computer generated 3D technology using which we can experience the imaginary world. In today's time, Var technology is used. We can divide it into three parts. First, the best example of non-immersive non-immersive virtual experience can be taken as a video game. A virtual environment is created in it, but despite this, the user can have complete control over his physical environment also. Second.

 Semi-immersive: In this also the user remains connected to the real world despite being in the virtual world and can maintain control, but in this 3D will be more so. In this category, the technology used for education and training can be taken, its display is computer projector. The third pod is of very high resolution, immersive, in this the user knows the virtual world by feeling it the most, the visual and sound effects in it are the highest, for this the user needs VR glasses and head mount display. Gaming internet sector comes and now the educational sector has also started getting involved in it, so let us now know what is the future of the game.

Seeing the way technology has spread its wings in almost every field in the last 20-30 years, this is an idea. be planted What will our world be like in the coming 10-15 or 20 years? If we talk about India Technology then there is no doubt that more advancements will be seen in it. In the future, more types of work will be done with CR and many new fields. In all the technologies we have talked about, somewhere we know that this is not the real world and we are looking at a screen, but in the coming time, such gadgets will be made with the help of which we can create a virtual world. Till then we will forget that this is not real. Today such technology is being made with the help of which if it is cold in the virtual world then we will feel cold, if it is hot then we will feel hot and if there is any kind of pain then we will feel pain. You will realise that one such technology is Thermoreal. It has a gamepad, joystick and many other devices with the help of which the real world can be experienced in the virtual world. 

Apart from this, such suits are being made for gaming so that if we are hit by a bullet or someone in the virtual world, When we get any kind of injury, we feel pain in real life also. This can also be called a haptic suit. It is used for CR Shooter games, in which if you get shot, then in real life you feel the shock and pain. It also happens that vibration sensors are fitted in these suites, due to which you feel real. More similar technologies are being invented now, with the help of which more and more people can experience the real world in the virtual world.

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