GoPro HERO 10 Black action camera review & features

All about GOpro Hero 10 Black action Camera:

Well, if you talk about its hardware changes and the biggest improvement that has happened in Hero 10 is the GP2 processor, then for the last 5 years I think Hero 6 which was launched till now has got the same processor. Last but not least, you have upgraded from GB1 to GP2 due to which there have been some major updates and I will share with you the practical differences that I find. The first thing you will see is the front display from Hero 9 to Hero 10. Display is available, if you are logging in then you can see very good things in the display and in Hero 9 there was a slight lag and now the attack response has improved. I have seen by comparing with Hero 9, yes there was a difference.

There has been a lot of improvement in this, it responds very quickly and I think the major credit for this goes to the GP2 processor. Now GoPro is claiming that the low light performance has also become better with the new processor. This is true. This is true. And this is such a major improvement, I will also show you the sample, you will come to know that you will not get the option of 24 FC and you will not be able to do super video which is ultra wide angle, it is limited to 4K only, so you should know this thing. And it is my duty that this message should reach here. Okay, now let's talk about stabilisation because many people buy GoPro only for stabilisation and I think till Hero 9 the stabilisation was so good, so I thought what will happen till 10. So finally Hyper Smooth 4.0 has been introduced in Hero 10 and practically there is a lot of smoothness but yes there are some limitations which again it is very important for you to know. If you are using Hyper Smooth 4.0 on high performance then the imitation which is in 4.3. You can go up to 30FC 4K 60fps so you can either achieve smooth stabilisation or you can do slow motion 120FC 4K episodes, so it's a balance you have to decide somewhere between the two. One has to choose but still 4K at 60fps of 5% 4.0lux

but it is more improvement in horizon level in Hero 10 now what happens in it I am giving you this photo which you are seeing from Hero 10 and your side is back side. I will show you how much I am tilting it, see if you see, this much level will remain exactly which you can see in the sample, so believe me, if you do a lot of action sports or shoot a lot at this time, then it is very much there. Now obviously Hero 10 is going to be useful for you people, many people use it for photography also, I have also taken some samples but if I talk about the numbers first, then the megapixel count in Hero 9 which was earlier 20 megapixels, is now 20 megapixels. It has 23 megapixels so it has high resolution but the processor has changed from the sensor and the rest is from the image sensor. If I talk about the performance of the photos, it is quite good.There is improvement in dynamic colours, the shop has made it better, clarity is good and mostly for me, colours and dynamic colours were a major concern, which again has become much better and also there is noise reduction in light performance, that is clearly visible to me. A GoPro user, there is a lot of improvement in 8 and 9 from 10.

You can comment and tell us how you are liking the output of Hero 10 so far. What is the best feature that I liked? Answer: If you long press and hold, the support meeting will be activated by default. So if you want to take silver weight photos or want to precisely control the exposure, you can do that feature and what is even better is that you get the exposure scale on long press, now it can be changed from -2 to plus two. You can take it in and you can have better control over your exposure, it is very easy to use, it has direct controls, I think it gives you more precise control over your exposure, I can release it, there are colour options, there are some additions there too. Earlier there was only Flat and GoPro profile, now there are three profiles, Natural Vibrant and Flat, I feel that you have added a little more variation where you can take more battery control and yes, last but not least, one important thing which is here It has been added that now you can transfer your photos and process on your smartphone, which I think is a much better and better feature because earlier this was the only thing that had to be done wirelessly, it used to consume a lot of battery and somewhere it is not that close. Who knew, no, that's a good thing that has been introduced in GoPro Hero. Which resolution is my set? This is the button for zooming. Here you can zoom by typing whatever. Suppose you want to zoom a little in your video.

If you want, you can increase it up to 1.4, this is why the button is given here, this is the button of gas stabilisation, which mode of state election do you want, how much do you want to boost, for example, if you want to increase. You can do it on boost or on standard. Apart from this, here you can do gas i.e. how much slow motion can you do, for that it is visible here right now 60fps. If you want to do 1x then you can do normal speed. So on top of the frame rate, how much frame rate do you want to set here, you can adjust its coding, its interface is very simple, very easy to understand and here the gas field of you is that in which field of view you shoot. Now send this white that is 16 * 34 m. Apart from this, if you want to do super view then you can do it by clicking and touching like this and this is the liner mode of gas which I will test further in the video. You will have a better idea and after that comes gas narrow mode and narrow mode has two modes one is normal mode and What is gas in a horizon mode? Even if you tilt the camera etc., the video of your camera will remain absolutely stable, which we can choose by selecting both horizon and narrow in this way. Good gas, if you want to go to video mode or photo mode or different modes by turning time left, then you can go to different modes by simply swapping in this way, like now I am in video mode and then I am in photo mode. In this way, you can go to different modes, apart from this, from the top, the notification panel comes where you can access different settings and this is for dual display i.e. What do you want on the front screen, so I will turn it on and show you right now, I have turned it on, rest of the features we get to see here and if you want to preview the content, then you can do it like this.

You can preview and for extra settings, you can swipe down from here and go to preferences and see many more settings in it. Now let's talk about the front display of the gas, so you can see all the things which are there on the front. That is, which mode is it, how much battery is there, how many photos can be taken and in the front display you get to see the square view, whatever you record will be visible on your screen and as you press the recording button, there will be gas here. When the light above starts blinking, this is the notification light which shows you whether you are recording or not, then this light will help you a lot while blogging. Now those who want to do photography with this camera. For them, there is a very good feature in this room which is support metering. You can adjust the auto exposure by touching and holding the gas which is there or you can also adjust the support metering, like let's say I have exposure up and down. If I want to do this, I can adjust the exposure in this way, so I liked this thing a lot. You do photography according to yourself.

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