Neuralink facts feature and review


 Elon Musk, a businessman who is always in the news, is the owner of Space and Tesla, and Sterling Internet is not even a company. Some time ago, he also bought Twitter. He converted the Twitter bird into a man. Elon Musk is very much in the news for his funny tweets. He is an absolutely brilliant man, but at the same time, his foresight is also praiseworthy and because of this foresight, he created Noor Link, which was started as a startup in 2016. It has done wonders for Neural. It is being said that if the experiment is carried out completely If successful, the world of medical science will change, so what is the difficulty? The aim was to create a brain computer interface i.e. Bachi. Now you will say what is brain computer interface, which is also called brain machine interface, that is a device which connects the electrical activity happening in the brain with an external computer or robotic arm.

Physically handicapped people will also be able to easily reduce the problems by keeping this device or Chipko in their daily routine. The paper that started it gives the first picture of brain computer interface in the world of scientific literature. It is clear that somewhere there is a problem in the human brain. It is working on the principle of understanding the brain, interfacing with the brain and engineering with the brain. After successful trials on animals in the year 2023, approval was sought from the Food and Drug Administration for human trials of my link place i.e. trials on humans. While talking to the news agency Reuters, the employees said that the company has currently got the clearance to implant a chip in the brain of 10 people. I will not do this chip. The company has named it telepathy.

So the thing that is certain tomorrow is when any part of our body becomes functional. If it does not survive, then it is transplanted. On the same lines, this is only one type of transplant. Do you understand what happens if Neuro is used on a person? In history, it has been used for people suffering from brain and nervous system disorders. By doing this surgery, it is inserted into the human brain. There will be a lot of small wires in the chip, one wire will be 20 times thinner than the strength of a human being. These wires will have 1024 electrodes which will monitor every movement of the brain and This data will be used in future research. The company claims that it can read what you are thinking i.e. mind reading is done through basic devices like smartphones and computers.

The matter of control has also come to the fore. Apart from this, when this chip was being tested, it was first tested on animals. Neuralink had also posted a video on its YouTube channel in which an African monkey, when implanted in his brain, was seen playing video games with a joystick, but due to this, the company also faced no investigation. They allege that from 2018 till now, they have taken the lives of their Brian Check animals. Now let us tell you that because the human trial was approved. This trial has also started. If you go to Running's website, you will see the option to register for the trial. Elon Musk has given information about it on social media. The African monkey whose brain was implanted was seen playing a video game with a joystick, but at the same time Because the company did not even have to face any investigation, they allege that from 2018 till now they have taken the lives of their Brian Check animals.

Now let us tell you that because the human trial was approved, this trial also started. If you go to Running's website, you will find that The option to register for the trial will be visible. Elon Musk has given information about it on social media. Its aim is to make the life of people suffering from neurological disorders easier. Which other companies are in competition with Neuralink in this market? Synchronous Paradromics, Black Rock Neurotic and There are companies like Bias. Bias is a company which is using Artificial Intelligence for neural resources. In today's episode, there are so many secrets which we want to hide from others, but this technology has not presented any solution to this issue till now. If any company makes such chips then obviously it will have to have full control over it, hence this company can control millions of people in whose brain this chip is present, just like the Terminator robot and above all it can now It is not at all safe for humans because in 2021, by sharing the video of G monkey, Elon Musk had claimed that he is playing video game with Brian Chip, in fact, 1500 monkeys were killed to make it a success i.e. He had undergone wrong surgery due to which he died and this fact was hidden from the whole world so that the company's reputation could not be spoiled. The second most important reason is that at any time suddenly this chip stops working.

So what will happen to the human being because it is actually battery operated i.e. due to any virus or malfunction, we know that its result will only be the death of the human being because death is not the death of any body part i.e. heart, liver etc. but today's Event in modern science, brain death is actually called real death, that is, you can say that Lone Mask is fooling the world in the name of this chip in order to increase the valuation and success of his company, just like the big -After making big claims, after claiming a humanoid humanoid robot, it introduced this toy for Frock which was named Optimus. Now it is not that the Brian implant chip cannot give neurological benefits to humans, it is absolutely possible that Allah has created humans. Apart from the natural things that have been created within the universe, if you keep operating it in a manner different from its nature, then maybe it will work for some time but after some time, it will lead to the death of the human being, it is exactly like an electrical appliance. You remove any part of the device and replace it with a non-German device and because of that, it gets disturbed by the entire device and cannot reduce it properly.

For example, a human being can survive with a mechanical heart, but Can never live a normal life and this is my point of view that this chip can save humans from paralysis in Mustak Bill but can never give them a normal life and do not leave alone the claims of superhuman strength. If he is doing this only to get his looks or to become famous then there is no truth in it at all but what do you think about this, I would definitely like to know. Do express your valuable opinion in the comment section. If you like this

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