Hyperloop Technology detail & features


 Exactly what is this Hyperloop? Hyperloop is a technology that removes two major problems in regular vehicles which reduce the speed of the vehicle a lot and these problems are friction and air resistance. So in this technology, friction and air resistance. By removing this problem, superfast speed can be achieved, just like Hyperloop. Now let us know how Hyperloops look. Hyperloop consists of a long vacuum tube and capsule-like compartments which are called pots. These pots are filled with high pressure inside the vacuum tube. These tubes move at speed and are called loops and because the transport in the technology takes place in the loop itself, that is why this technology has been named Hyperloop Technology. Imagine that you are sitting in a vacuum tube made of steel and moving at super fast speed.

Travelling in a loop, there is so much excitement in sleeping, because till now you too must have seen the process of making vacuum only in the science lab. So you have understood the meaning of vacuum, i.e. Nirvana, a situation in which there is no air and this The thing about both of them is technology that there will be very little air in the vacuum tube in which we will now travel while sitting in the pod. Interesting name: In this vacuum tube, all the air does not go out but some air remains in it and due to less air, there is also friction. The work is done and the energy required to increase the speed is also reduced, then the question arises that how does Hyperloop, which is called the fifth mode of transportation, do this work, so let us understand this also from one place. To travel from one point to another, a very long tube is made which rests on pillars. In this tube, small parts travel individually and by sitting in these parts, you can reach from one place to another. It is as if we reach by bus, train or plane. Two types of technology are used in Hyperloop, magnetic levitation and air pressure. Due to this, there is no friction between the pod and the tube, due to which the speed of the pot is so fast. It leaves the speed of the Maglev train far behind and you will be shocked to hear that in Hyperloop technology the speed is 760 MPH i.e.

the hour on mic is equal to 1200 kilometres per hour and the sound plays at this speed. This means that this hyperloop, running at the speed of sound, has the power to achieve super fast speed till now and the interesting thing is that two forces are applied on the moving part in the vacuum tube, magnetic force and air force which not only keep the pod moving. Move forward in a vacuum tube but also lift it into the air. You can also understand Hyperloop in this way.You can say that in Maglev train, the train runs on its track with the help of magnets, due to which friction is created between the train and the track, which increases its speed a lot and Hyperloop is an advanced maglev train which will be run in a vacuum tube but now The question is who introduced us to Hyperloop technology? Who is the person in whose mind this innovative idea of Lotus came from? So this idea of Hyperloop is almost 200 years old.

Yes, because in 1799, British inventor George Matherd developed it as a transportation system. Another propulsion tube was patented and after so many years in 2013, Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla Motors and Space One, patched the design of Hyperloop. His idea and design got a good response all over the world. Elon Musk says that Hyperloop Pots Train. This idea of Elon Musk i.e. Hyperloop is an open source technology, which means that Elon Musk has shared the right to build Hyperloop with everyone so that people can build Hyperloop. To ensure that the work of Hyperloop remains progressive and Hyperloop can be introduced to the world as soon as possible, the result is that today many companies have joined in making Hyperloop, such as Virgin Hyperloop 1, Hat Transport and Arabo. The fundamental idea of making Hyperloop is from these companies. It will remain the same but a little difference will definitely be seen in the technology used in making it, that is, with a light tweet, very soon many Hyperloops will be in front of us and now version Hyperloop One private company is planning to start the Hyperloop project very soon by the year 2021. Even though the basic idea of the technology was revealed many years ago, work on this technology is still going on and it is believed that Hyperloop will be revealed to everyone in 2021.

At present, many routes of Hyperloop have been decided, some of which are New York to Washington DC Pune to Mumbai Cancer City to St. Louis British Love To Bruno and Vijayawada and Amravati After knowing the route of Hyperloop, now we know what will be the benefit to us from the arrival of Hyperloop technology. Hyperloop is much faster than the fastest train, that is, we can spend hours. You can complete the journey in a matter of minutes. After sitting in it, you will now directly reach your destination because like the train, it will not stop at stoppages in between. It will not have any time table or schedule, but you will board the train only when you are ready. You will be able to reach your destination in minutes. Although this technology may seem very expensive, in comparison to other superfast trains, its cost will be very low and when the cost is less, the cost of the ticket will also be much less as compared to the bullet train. There will be power consumption, this hyperloop will be safe even in earthquake and bad weather conditions, it is environment friendly, that is, it will neither cause noise pollution nor will there be any by-product emissions, i.e. emissions will be high, then your head may also be spinning about this technology. In the beginning, it may be that Many trees had to be cut for the implementation of the technology.

If this happens, it will be very harmful for the environment. So, brother, you have learned about the many advantages of Per Loop along with its disadvantages, but this technology is yet to come into the real world. There are many challenges in front of it such as the extension infrastructure expansion issue i.e. the risk of expansion or shrinkage of the vacuum tube due to temperature and atmosphere changes and travelling in less vacuum. Only after these challenges related to Hyperloop are cleared, it will be made available for passengers. It can be considered completely safe, but do you know how you will feel sitting inside the pod in Hyperloop? After sitting in it, you will feel the same as you do while sitting in an elevator or passenger plane, but your excitement level. it will definitely be very high.

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