AeroTech VTOL Flying Car


It seems like a futuristic thing but in reality people had started trying to make it 100 years ago. It is said that in the year 1917, the first attempt was made to make a flying car or a rotable aircraft. Which can also run on the road, it was named Auto Plane Plane Cut. A person by this name had created this thing. It was also called Limousine of the Year at that time, but could it actually fly and fly? It is said that When an attempt was made to fly it, it lifted off from the ground a little, but unfortunately it was never able to fly properly, so this auto plane was a failure. After this, we come to the year 1933, when it and the Commerce Bureau conducted a competition. By the name of 'The Flower Competition', they challenged the people to design an aeroplane which would cost less than $700.

Many models were made. One of them in this competition was the Aero Bike by a man named World Water Man. Made an aeroplane that looked like a car that could actually fly but never went into production because it was the time of the Great Depression so we couldn't get the money to fund it to produce it but it was a proper first. Item: Make that aeroplane as you can say. It looks exactly like a proper aeroplane, the only difference is that its front part could be ditched. It took about 5 minutes to convert this aeroplane into a plane and what was actually there was The front part of the aeroplane looked like this and Pawan was a very innovative thing for its time and it also got flight certification from the Civil Aviation Authority but the problem was that due to compromise here, it was neither a good It was not an aeroplane which could compete with other aeroplanes to the level of an aeroplane, nor was it a good vehicle which could compete with other vehicles. When it was made, this vehicle would have become so strange in appearance, and on top of that, due to World War 2 in 1945.

Financial problems and this company could not find investors for this flying car, but then the iPhone and the tax. This attempt of industrial designer Henry de Fruits in 1947, now in showing this thing, it seemed as if there was a car on which an aeroplane was pasted. At least it looked like a complete aeroplane. It seemed as if the car had accidentally stuck to the aeroplane and flown along with it. It also took 5 minutes to convert from aeroplane to aeroplane and this meant converting. The aeroplane part of the car was ditched and kept aside and then used like this vehicle.This idea was also good for its time, but in its third test flight, it got crushed by what else? The pilot looked at the reading on the metre and said that there is a lot of petrol left in the car. I keep flying but there is a lot of petrol in the car. There was very little petrol in the aeroplane part due to which it got crushed. Unfortunately after the scratch, people lost confidence and investors also backed away. The problem with all these items was that here is a car and here is an aeroplane. An attempt was being made to combine both of them in such a way that in the true sense of flying, only the one can actually transform from an aeroplane to a vehicle. It should not happen that both the things are combined.

When the vehicle has to be used, then the one with the aeroplane will be used. When I took out the part and kept it aside, Moulton Taylor was the first person who thought that actually I work on the design of Faviyan but the wings of the aeroplane, I make them foldable so that when they have to be used as a vehicle, the wing can be folded. This thing could actually be folded and simply kept in a place at the back of the car. This thing became a reality in the year 1949. It was called Taylor's Arrow, it also got the certification, it also got the approval for mass production, but the problem was that at least 500 Advance orders were needed for this thing before its meat production could start and there were not so many people who were so interested in this thing, so even 500 orders could not be received, hence the deal was terminated. At one time Ford Company also Had come very close to buying Stellar Baan Kar but that deal also could not be finalised. Here there was a shortage of money but perhaps the bigger problem here was the technological advancement that we did not have enough technology to do it right.

One flying tax can be made in a month, but today we do not have shortage of money and technology has gone far ahead in comparison to 1950, so the attempts made today to make a flying tax are amazing, that's right. Futuristic in meaning: In October 2021, a Swedish company named Jetson Baan brought its Jackson 1 plane to the world. As you can see, it is not at all like a car in appearance, rather it can be called an extra large drone because it is absolutely a drone in flight. It is like a drone in which a person sits inside and flies it like a pilot. This is a single seater vehicle. Only one person can sit inside it and they started working on it before 2017. The prototype was ready in January 2018. And he had already had a successful flight but he introduced his company and The second generation prototype was shown to the world only in October 2021. Its special thing is its design. A helicopter still needs a helipad to fly, but it is so compact, so small that it can even land on the roof of your house. Its frame is made entirely of aluminium to keep the weight low. Its total weight is only 86 kg. It is very light and the person sitting in it can weigh up to 95 kg. Maybe the most interesting thing is that you don't need a pilot's licence to fly it because according to that, a pilot's licence is not required for a single seater aircraft. Only one person can sit in it and this is us because if you buy it, you get it only 50% assembled. Wherever you order from in the world, the company sells it to you in such a way that after opening it, you If you have to assemble it yourself, then it falls into the category of 'we butt'. This company also gets into legal trouble because now the company will not be responsible if any accident happens because you have made Jackson One by yourself in just one month. It is a very futuristic thing but it cannot be used much practically because you cannot fly it at night, you cannot fly it over the city traffic, it is not looking at the saree in the world, it is just promoting it as a fun activity, flying it. It's a lot of fun.

It's called Jackson, which is the name of the company. Anyway, you can do gas. Where is it taken from? Jackson used to be a very old cartoon, if you remember, and in it, the Jetsons family predicts their future and their aircraft. Used to travel, it looked exactly like this, so they tried to copy its design, they tried to take inspiration from that, so this Jackson One cannot be called a proper flying one because it is not on the roads. This may work, but there is another company in Slovakia which has brought its tax to the world last month and is making a flying tax in the right month. One thing is very clear, friends, to create such technology, we need skilled engineers and Fierce innovation is needed. Unfortunately, innovative things of this level are rarely seen.

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